Defining supply areas for asset owners
Country: The Netherlands
Period: 2016-2020
The Dutch website processes the applications for new house connections in the Netherlands. Through their portal, a consumer can, in one request, apply for a new connection on his/her address to gas, (waste)water, electricity, heat and telecom. Sending the application to the wrong utility will result in administrative losses and delay the process, therefore it is important to know exactly the supply area for each utility. Often the boundaries are described based on historical borders which sometimes lack clarity. looked for a partner who could support the spatial registration of supply areas in a way that gives insight in both the actual situation as the changes over time.
Approach and solution
For this project we choose a collaborative approach where provided the method to be used and where Spatial Insight contributed with the technical knowledge on how to integrate this in a web-based GIS portal. Over the past four years Spatial Insight has supported with a web-based portal where each utility can spatially register its own supply area. When a dispute arises, overlap or gap regions can be exchanged and assigned to the agreed utility. The resulting dataset is published by Spatial Insight as open data (WFS) and integrated in the daily operation of Every time a consumer requests for a new house connection, the location is used to verify to which utility the request should be sent.
Contribution to the organisation’s strategy is founded in co-operation by the Dutch utility companies. Their aim is to improve collaboration in the process of installation, maintenance and replacement of underground networks. The registration system implemented by Spatial Insight is part of this core and has supported the correct handling of new connections since 2016.
More information
Arnoud Drevijn (arnoud.drevijn [@]