
Spatial Insight was set up in 2015 by Arnoud Drevijn BSc.

After years of working for consultancies and drinking water utility PWN, he wanted to speed up and tailor new services in the fields of GIS, Asset management and data science. The latter being boosted when Jurjen den Besten joined the company in 2019.

With a team of young and clever GIS, data science and asset management experts, the company developed an asset management philosophy that rely upon facts and data and support the utility’s strategic goals explicitly.

Five different pipe replacement models and BestNet, our proprietary engine to combine these models and build scenarios and projects, allow Spatial Insight to benchmark the effectiveness of existing pipe replacement models and create the Ultimate model that suits a utility best.

In 2015 SynergieNL was launched, a platform that facilitates public and private asset owners to align works in the urban underground. The company SynergieNL is now fully integrated in Spatial Insight.